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Babuline Carminative Drops 15ml

Babuline Carminative Drops is helpful for treating indigestion, flatulence and colic in infants. This ayurvedic product contains 3 carminative oils – dill oil, aniseed oil and caraway oil that are beneficial in reducing vomiting of curds after feed, gas and colic pain, giving your child a sense of well-being and happiness which enables it to enjoy its food thereby making your child a strong, healthy and happy baby. It is packaged in an easy to carry ‘drop’ form in a 30ml amber round pet bottle. A calibrated dropper is provided to help administer the product to your child.
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Babuline Carminative Drops is helpful for treating indigestion, flatulence and colic in infants. This ayurvedic product contains 3 carminative oils – dill oil, aniseed oil and caraway oil that are beneficial in reducing vomiting of curds after feed, gas and colic pain, giving your child a sense of well-being and happiness which enables it to enjoy its food thereby making your child a strong, healthy and happy baby. It is packaged in an easy to carry ‘drop’ form in a 30ml amber round pet bottle. A calibrated dropper is provided to help administer the product to your child.
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