Baidyanath Nagarjunabhra Ras 20tablets

Baidyanath Nagarjunabhra Ras 20tablets

Baidyanath Arjunarishta 455ml

Baidyanath Arjunarishta 455ml

Baidyanath Arjunarishta 682ml

Baidyanath Arjunarishta is herbal medicine which is benificial and provides profits such as in Hrdaya daurbalyata (Heart weakness)
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Baidyanath Arjunarishta 680ml

Product Type - Ayurvedic Medicine
Used For - Hrdaya daurbalyata (Heart weakness)
Brand - Baidyanath
Product Description - Baidyanath Arjunarishta is herbal medicine which is beneficial and provides profits such as in Hrdaya daurbalyata (Heart weakness).
Key Ingredients - Arjuna tvak, Draksa, Madhuka, Dhataki, Guda and Asav Base.
Side effects - No side effects reported
Dose / Direction for Use - As directed by Register Medical Practitioner/ Mentioned on product.

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