Baidyanath Karpuradi Bati 40tablets

Baidyanath Karpuradi Bati 40tablets

Baidyanath Kshudhakari Bati 30g

Baidyanath Kshudhakari Bati 30g

Baidyanath Khadiradi Bati 10g

Baidyanath Khadiradi Bati is herbal medicine which is benificial and provides many profits like in diseases of mouth, throat, tongue & stomach. Reelifnes hoarseness of voice.Works as an astringent, expectrant, sedative & antiseptic.
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Baidyanath Khadiradi Bati 10g
Baidyanath Khadiradi Bati is herbal medicine which is benificial and provides many profits like in diseases of mouth, throat, tongue & stomach. Reelifnes hoarseness of voice.Works as an astringent, expectrant, sedative & antiseptic.
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