Baidyanath Khadirarishta 227ml

Baidyanath Khadirarishta 227ml

Baidyanath Kumari Asav 450ml

Baidyanath Kumari Asav 450ml

Baidyanath Kumari Asav 680ml

Baidyanath Kumari Asav is herbal medicine which is benificial and provides profits such as benificial in Alterative, tonic & haematinic. Suggested in anaemia, enlargement of liver, constipation, fever, cough, asthma.
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Baidyanath Kumari Asav 680ml
Baidyanath Kumari Asav is herbal medicine which is benificial and provides profits such as benificial in Alterative, tonic & haematinic. Suggested in anaemia, enlargement of liver, constipation, fever, cough, asthma.
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