Baidyanath Mahayograj Guggulu 20tablets

Baidyanath Mahayograj Guggulu 20tablets

Baidyanath Punarnavadi Guggulu 40tablets

Baidyanath Punarnavadi Guggulu 40tablets

Baidyanath Punarnavadi Guggulu 80tablets

Baidyanath Punarnavadi Guggulu is herbal medicine which is benificial and provides many profits like; Equalized fluid retention and swelling of the tissues Lowers extra kapha in the system Degrades risk factors that cause stone formation Supports removal of toxins
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Baidyanath Punarnavadi Guggulu 80tablets

Product Type - Ayurvedic Medicine
Used For - Low backache, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Joint Disorders, Jaundice, Sciatica, Dropsy and Urinary stones.
Brand - Baidyanath
Product Description - Baidyanath punarnavadi guggulu tablet is very useful for low backache, rheumatoid arthritis, joint disorders, jaundice, sciatica, dropsy and urinary stones.
Key Ingredients - Punarnawa, Daru Haldi, Haritaki, Giloi & Guggulu.
Side effects - No side effects reported
Dose / Direction for Use - As directed by Register Medical Practitioner/ Mentioned on product.

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