Laghu Nariyal Small Coconut PUJA

Laghu Nariyal Small Coconut PUJA

Gunja Kala Black Coral bead vine PUJA

Gunja Kala Black Coral bead vine PUJA

Gunja Lal Red Coral bead vine PUJA

Purified Gunja seeds are a potent nervous system stimulant and are widely used in Vata disorders like joint pains and paralysis. The paste of seeds is help in alopecia and skin ailments. These seeds are also used in divine Puja. They symbolise Goddess Lakshmi and it is said that the wearer is blessed with wealth and prosperity. Other Name: Ratti, Coral bead vine, Rosary pea, Gunchi, Gulugunji, Gunch, kundu maNi, Kaincha, Chirmi Beads, Abrus precatorius
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Gunja Lal Red Coral bead vine PUJA
Purified Gunja seeds are a potent nervous system stimulant and are widely used in Vata disorders like joint pains and paralysis. The paste of seeds is help in alopecia and skin ailments. These seeds are also used in divine Puja. They symbolise Goddess Lakshmi and it is said that the wearer is blessed with wealth and prosperity. Other Name: Ratti, Coral bead vine, Rosary pea, Gunchi, Gulugunji, Gunch, kundu maNi, Kaincha, Chirmi Beads, Abrus precatorius
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