Shatavari Kalpa

The nutrient product useful for complete family specially for women, having all the benefits of Shatavari. Enhances immunity & general health by nourishing Saptadhatus. Most effective with qualities like Medhya, Pittashamak, Rasayan, Shukravardhak & Netrya. Useful for women in all age groups & for all stages like; menstruation, pregnancy & postnatal period.
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Shatavari Kalpa
The nutrient product useful for complete family specially for women, having all the benefits of Shatavari. Enhances immunity & general health by nourishing Saptadhatus. Most effective with qualities like Medhya, Pittashamak, Rasayan, Shukravardhak & Netrya. Useful for women in all age groups & for all stages like; menstruation, pregnancy & postnatal period. Indications During pregnancy & after delivery for mother as well as foetus, Galactogogue in Postnatal period. Raktapradar, Irregular menses, Garbhasrava, Garbhapata, Physical & mental debility, Raktapitta, Gastric irritability & ulcers Dose 1 to 2 tsf twice a day with milk
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